Security, maintainability, functional scope, scalability…

When you choose an ITSM tool in SaaS mode, take a word of advice: do not leave any gray areas about its ability to meet your needs!
Your ITSM tool is at the heart of your business and if it can’t be fully relied on, the consequences can be damaging!
Its adoption by your teams and its evolution according to your needs and those of your business are highly strategic.

Here’s why iTop SaaS is one of the tools you can trust with your eyes closed.

A reliable, ultra complete tool, even in the free version

In contrast to certain SaaS applications where only the paid (and often very expensive!) version contains the interesting features, iTop SaaS is a complete tool, even in the free version.
From managing your assets to managing your employees, including the helpdesk, no aspect of your business is left to chance, even with iTop Free.

Even if your job or environment is complex, iTop is fully-loaded with features that will make the daily life of your teams easier and gain in comfort, speed and control. User portal, impact analysis, mail to ticket, dashboards…

Note that the higher-level offering for larger IT support teams, is well within your budget.

Maintain the security at all levels

Safety is one of your primary concerns, and for good reason. The protection of your data is a hot topic, on which there is no question of skimping.With iTop SaaS, be sure to get a firm, uncompromising answer to security issues.

With iTop SaaS, you get your own virtual machine and instance.

We do not tolerate any porosity between instances! Our solution is hosted in France, over sovereign data centers of companies, all subject to French law.

The iTop SaaS solution offers you a DRP (Disaster Recovery Plan), based on several data centers: the VM (virtual machine) and backups are located in data centers all over France. This ensures the availability of the solution in the event of a major data center incident.

Audits are regularly carried out by various independent bodies around the world. Some of our customers, themselves security experts, also perform regular audits and reports on iTop SaaS.

Finally, the iTop SaaS security policy is fully transparent and accessible on-line. We make it a point of honor to communicate all detected security vulnerabilities and their resolution to the iTop community.

Evolving in a 100% open source environment

As we know, some open source tools are no longer accessible in open source when they offer SaaS mode. (Often for reasons of profitability related to the cost of accommodation.)

For iTop SaaS, it is out of the question to abandon the open source model, whose philosophy has been anchored from the beginning. Rest assured: the solution will continue to evolve in a sustainable and open way, supported in particular by an active community.

The sustainability of our open source model, as is the climate of trust among iTop SaaS users, are partly possible thanks to the strength of Combodo as a publisher. For the past ten years, we have been supporting our users and customers to make using iTop as smooth as possible and the best source of efficiency.

You will therefore be able to benefit from additional features, regular evolutions, in addition to adaptations to your iTop application, made over time (on security aspects or on the business side).

With iTop SaaS, you benefit at any time from:

  • Support packs
  • A rich and complete FAQ
  • ITSM / CMDB training
  • Support from the open source community.

Remain free and autonomous

As is often the case, subscription-based cloud software subscriptions, with the SaaS model, do not foresee what will happen to customer data at the end of the contract.

The service provider thus keeps its customers “captive”, by not offering a concrete solution – or only a complex and dissuasive solution of data restitution – to those who wish to change or terminate their contract.

However, your business is evolving and the need to change your contract can arise at any
time: you should be free to do it.

With iTop SaaS – we are as good as our word!

You benefit from a reversibility clause when you take out a subscription. So, if your company makes strategic choices that are no longer in line with the tool, you can recover your data in a usable format, without any questions asked.

So there is no real commitment: you can go back, change your hosting mode or simply change your tool, whenever you decide.

With iTop you will never start again completely from scratch, which allows you to test the solution with a parachute!
Reversibility, security, sustainability of open source, support and completeness are five elements that differentiate iTop SaaS from other ITSM software hosted in the Cloud.

Discover the many other benefits of the solution now: try iTop SaaS for yourself, for free!

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