Overload, just-in-time work, new business needs… Small IT teams in SMBs are often overstretched, used to dealing with limited resources and means, often without productivity tools… An irony for these teams who are used to deploying solutions for others. They could gain in efficiency by professionalizing their practices with the help of IT management software. Here are some explanations.

Small companies: often overwhelmed teams

IT management software

In “small” IT departments (team of 1 to 5 employees), multi-tasking is usual. Each employee covers a wide range of activities, from support to operations, including the management of suppliers and the identification of future needs, without forgetting the “little things to develop” upon request of the business…

The team often works on a just-in-time basis, due to lack of people and time. This is generally the case in small companies where IT is not considered as a core business. The allocated budget and available resources are restricted, and often reduced to the strict minimum… Unlike the team workload!

However, a lack of time can have an impact on the quality of the services delivered… The IT department struggles to meet the needs of the business, IT management becomes laborious and anticipation remains a dream.

IT management software (ITSM) could help you improve your daily life.


ITSM or IT Service Management

Information technology service management (ITSM) are the activities that are performed by an organization to design, build, deliver, operate and control information technology (IT) services offered to customers.

Source : “FitSM Part 0: Overview and vocabulary”. Itemo. 24 August 2016. Archived from the original on 18 April 2019. Retrieved 27 November 2018.


Choose the right tools to support the IT department

IT Service Management software (ITSM)Have you ever thought of acquiring IT management software to try to save time, gain comfort and improve the quality of services you provide? While obviously respecting the budget and organizational constraints of your structure.

With a digital solution specifically designed for IT management, you can improve the performance of your department and enhance the satisfaction of your customers, both internal and external. By providing them with a service of better quality.

  • Improving monitoring of computer hardware

An inventory helps you better control your IT environment. In addition, a CMDB allows you to connect the components of the IT infrastructure to each other.

Improving equipment tracking is essential to avoid wasting time and better anticipate future needs. Who owns which equipment? When will they need to be renewed? What are the warranty expiry dates?


CMDB or Configuration Management Database

A configuration management database (CMDB) is an ITIL term for a database used by an organization to store information about hardware and software assets (commonly referred to as configuration items). It is useful to break down configuration items into logical layers. This database acts as a data warehouse for the organization and also stores information regarding the relationships among its assets. The CMDB provides means of understanding the organization’s critical assets and their relationships, such as information systems, upstream sources or dependencies of assets, and the downstream targets of assets.

Source : Wikipédia


  • Respecting commitments

The tool helps the IT team to set up and manage SLA commitments, for internal or external customers.

  • Tracking incoming requests

As a central part of your activity, the helpdesk / ticketing part is obviously simplified by an appropriate solution. It offers a portal to enter requests to structure their management. The tool also offers possibilities to optimize the processing and resolution of those requests (linking a ticket with the CIs, automatic alerts, etc.).

(3) CI or Configuration items

The term configuration item (CI) refers to the fundamental structural unit of a configuration management system. Examples of CIs include individual hardware, software, etc.

Source : Wikipédia


  • Organize services

An ITSM tool allows you to define everyone’s roles and responsibilities regarding IT services. It can increase productivity, reduce costs and improve end-user satisfaction.


The use of ITSM software seems to be a must for small and medium-sized companies wishing to guarantee a sufficient quality of IT service and efficiency.  The key is to choose a solution adapted to the size of the structure and the activity. For the company’s management, it is essential to ensure both a good execution of the services and ROI. With iTop, you have all the arguments to convince them.

Learn more about iTop SaaS

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